Sunday, March 2, 2008

Project 2 final - Inbal

Thank you all for writing comments, they were very helpful, I will relate to them later on.

I decided not to change mt board, so you know how it looks like.

Objective: To be the first to correctly state the one that didn't cheat, the location and the reason, which are in the envelope.

Instructions (In short): Divide the card to the 3 categories: "who", "where"=locations and "why=reasons. place one card of each section in the envelope, divide the rest between all the players. Each player mark his card on his chart and start investigating... To ask another player for clues go into a room and ask for the person, location and reason that you wish to know. Example: Did Mr. Pitt not cheat on the Set from lust? The person which this is addressed to (you choose) must reveal one of the three or reveal he has no clues, by whisper. When a player got all the clues he need and believes he hold the answer - he state them.

Principle of Design / course concepts used: I used many principles,I will explain them regarding decisions made in the visual aspect (board), and the structure (rules, instruction etc). On the board I made sure to use Alignment with the steps and with the room as much as I could in order to keep the board simpler.Used Highlighting & Uniform connectedness: all the start point highlighted, the room entrance (doors) same frame for all rooms, as well as Entry Point. The Gestalt of the game is a home, board itself is a Mapping & Mimicry of a villa of some kind, there are no physical rooms or routs. With the players' tool (the black cones)I've used Aesthetic Usability Effect to look cool and attractive and their Affordance is clearly to move by hand and place on the squares that are in the dame size. The game, even in the name and instruction, has Storytelling and has the Mental Model of the game "The Clue"

Improvement: after prototype testing and your comments. The length of the instruction, as well as the complexity of the rules were an issue in the comment and testing. I do try to thing about a more realistic situation where player would not be in so much pressure like in the testing. Never the less I did work on the instruction to simplify it and give example, which I think help. Someone brought up the matter of the popstars changing, and thus I will suggest the manufacturer to put out to the market a newer version with different locations and stars.

Why is it FUN??? The "who Didn't Cheat" game provide socio-pleasure by gathering all the players around the board, and creating a narrative, storytelling as the game come closer the the end. There can only be one winner, and if you try to guess unprepared you are risking a chance of leaving the game, thus there is an element of challenge and competition than create exiting tension. Use of Framing (the rooms) create the urge to go quickly to the rooms and asking questions - like being in the "action zone".These is some pleasure in the beginning choosing the players due to the Exposure Effect of the celebs names (Mr. Big, etc.). The subject of the game has some sexuality and immorality hidden in it which provide fun from the "unspoken" things. It would probably fit stylish designer and OCAD first year's, which still have some time to watch E! and hear gossip.

Sell this design (a pitch to a manufacturer): I would address this game to the owners and manufacturer of the game "the clue" with the suggestion to update the game to fit a more mature audience, with a popular theme (celebs), along with a moral issue that when a family play together they might want to talk about the subject of accepting cheating as something normal and common. Ppl can play this game also without concerning about this issue and just enjoy mocking or admiring the world of movie stars. It is possible to release a newer version with new popstars every couple of years.

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