Monday, March 3, 2008

Project 2 - Eve Zorawski Final

Box Set:

3+ Players

How to Play:

1 > Each player takes a category card. On this card, in the second row, all players must write down the same four categories.

2 > To begin the game, one player chooses a letter.

3 > During the time you set on your timer, all players write down all possible words that begin with the chosen letter but only if they correspond to one of the four chosen categories.

4 > The player with the most words wins the round!

THINK HARD ! is a great and fun way to clean the cobwebs inside that memory!

This game is fun because it really gets you thinking. The box set I designed allows this process to be more interesting too, with special washable plastic cards to write on, markers, letters, and a funny sounding timer too. The products are very easy to use, so as not to confuse the prospective players. I focused on good
mapping on the products in order to facilitate their playing time.

During the user testing I noticed it was difficult for people to decide on a given "time duration" for the round or to keep track of it. This is why I included the timer in the box set. Giving it a funny ring too (such as an animal sound, or Paris Hilton saying something silly), would add to the amusement of the players.

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