Monday, February 25, 2008

Project 2-Mark O

Make Me Laugh: The object of this game is for one opponent to maintain a serious expression whilst the other tries to make them laugh. This game is fun because it is silly, humorous and one never knows how far someone will go to make them laugh.

RED BALL: The objet of this game if for two people to stand 2 meters apart and try to hit each other with a red ball that is attached to the wrist. It is especially fun because the ball that you aim at your opponent might come right back at you. It involves a lot of movement and swaying in order to avoid the balls.

Connectors: This toy is a construction toy that is easy to learn and fun to play with due to its simplicity. It comes with connectors that one uses to put together many forms and shapes. It can be bought in many sizes so as one grows up they can move on to more complex shapes which become challenging.

Madougie is a mix of darts and scattegories. There is a circular target board with different areas one can throw the madougie. Smaller areas account for more points whilst bigger areas account for smaller amounts of points. This provides a challenge for the players who want to advance quickly. It is played by two people who keep score on a piece of paper.
To start a turn, one throws the madougie at the preferred target. Once the madougie is thrown the timer which is set for 2 min and a card are picked up at the same time. Ex. I throw the madougie and hit 10 points. I pick up a card and it says animals on it. I have to think of 10 animals within 2 minutes. Once i do that i say MADOUGIE! and i officially have the points. Say someone hits 15 and cannot think of 15 animals in 2 min the other person gets the points. The game ends when both opponents have had 10 rounds, the scores are tallied and the person with the most points wins.

Random Facts: This game is designed to educate the players on random facts and knowledge one would otherwise not know. A card is picked up and there is a question on it. The whole point is to guess and the person who guesses closest to the right answer has an advantage. For example:

Q: How long is the longest fish on record in feet?
A: The Whale Shark, 59 feet captured in 1919 in Thailand.

If one guessed 39 feet they would have subtract the difference between the highest number and the lowest number. In this case 20. The person with the least amount of points after 20 turns wins the games.

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