Monday, February 25, 2008

Andrey: Funky Builder Prototype


ann said...

I didn't like the shape of the pieces, you could purposely set the things precariously on each other to screw up the next person. Also, as i mentioned with on the other jenga post, the dice was not a great as you could run out of the piece that you roll on your turn.

Zack Shields said...

I thought the game was fun. the pieces could have been different to allow for more allowances in building a structure. but that also made it kind of challenging. Possibly making it a game were the 2 players build their own structures but have to use the same piece. who evers last the longest wins

Inbal Shreemohan said...

I loved the shape regardless to their usage, they are cool and unique. the instruction was great, the best one that I saw, catchy name, simple "just do it" instruction, nicely done. The dice does create abroblem and it might not be challanging enough for Ocad ppl.
It's defenetly ED ppl and stylish.

Good luck!

zunera waheed said...

i really like the sape.....i really injoyed the game.good job. The game was quit challenging. Ed and stylish designer students are main target. i think he should make more dice. i understood the game easily!!!!