Sunday, February 24, 2008

Exercise 9 - Andrey Chernykh

Narrative 1:

Narrative 2:

The fridge got empty pretty fast. Those animals just can’t control themselves, can they? It is almost over now, as I see John getting up from the table to say good bye to the rest of them. This little gathering lasted a bit too long and I am glad there won’t be another. All those consumed treats and what do I get in return? A table full of garbage and leftovers, just great! John disappeared outside again, probably for another smoke with one of his buddies. Men and their unexpected parties… They even ate my yogurt, unbelievable! No worries, another walk to the supermarket should clear my mind. As I made my way to the hallway I saw a Joshua stuffing my new rubber boots in his bag with his hairy hand. He looked up, and for a moment we stared at each other without saying a word. Then, in the blink of an eye he disappeared in a doorway. With an expression of shock and anger, I stumbled my way to the doorway shouting, “Thief! You bloody thief!” I put on my dirty sneakers while listening to his footsteps echoing in the stairwell. I ran out of the building and all I could see is Joshua’s car disappearing in the distance. “That bastard,” I thought, as I was walking through slippery mud and dirt. John’s disappearance and lack of help did not concern me anymore. And I guess Joshua is ready to do anything for those one night stands. I felt water in my shoes and another nasty feeling came in to stay for a cup of tea. Should I give up on all of this now? Is this life worth living? Without notice a ray of light shone through my mind. “Good thing I have my shopping list with me,” I said to myself and reached into my pocket. I walked into the supermarket with a bright smile on my face, looked on my list and said “There wont be another party, all is for me...lets see, apple juice, iced tea, pickles, assorted waffles, cream cheese…”

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