Thursday, January 31, 2008

Exercise 4-Read a MAP (Leigh.M)

This map, as most maps, has many strategies for conveying information, however, alignment and the 'Law of Pragnanz' seem the most prominant. Of the latter, a Gestalt grouping principle of shape perception, it could be said that because the entire of the continent and its' landforms appear as a whole (though there are many borders ect.), this law was conciously utilized by the mapmaker(s). This strategy is well suited considering the map focuses on the physical geography of the area as opposed to the man made separations (borders) or roadways, though waterways are not negated. Alignment is used when conveying geographical information to the front left side of the map. The charts are 'edge aligned', however, to the right (the charts containing different widths of information), the charts invade slightly, the blue of the ocean. This is effective in the sense that there is lesser a border for information than in other maps, which is congruent with the portrayal of the land mass in this map.
I like this map. The colors are natural and pleasant, and the legends are easy to navigate.

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