Thursday, January 31, 2008

Exercise 4- jenny kassen

This is a map of New York City, focusing mainly on Manhattan.
The makers, [National Geographic] used a few information strategies to make this map more comprehensible.

On the front side of the map, the reader is introduced to New York as a whole through two maps of the entire area that are compared by use of colour to give an idea about the differences of contrast of income and ethnic diversity. The historic sights are sorted by location with brief writings grouped with them in a line that draws the eye down the map. All the maps of the first side use layering of colour to determine difference between water and land, as well as those of financial and ethnic distinctions.

On the reverse is a map of Manhattan that shows distinct streets and details of the city. Colours such as green are used to show parks, blue for water as well as grey for government buildings and patterned lines of different colours for subway paths rail and stations. The highlighting of these areas make it easy for tourists to locate the areas that interest them, and the legibility of the text and clear marking of subways allow them to get to where they want to be.

****had huge issues with uploading the images. sorry!*******

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