I love my Sony Walkman Bean Blue NW-E305 mp3 player. It is small and compact and easy to carry around. The form of it makes it easy to hold in your hand while pressing buttons. The affordances are successfuly employed making the usability pretty intuitive. I love the use of symbols (ex. folder on the menu button) and labelling because it makes it clear of what button to press when needed, hence good semantic mapping. The feedback that this device provides is excellent, combined with beeping heard in the headphones and feel of the click when button is pressed, so one does not have to look at the player and check. The visibility is also great; display screen works together with controls communicate the state that the player is in. I like the physical constaint in the device. The silver frame to the right of the play button slides not only to reveal USB plug but also provides a HOLD function. Slide towards the play button and all the controls are locked, slide it away and the controls are unlocked.
I hate my Cerruti 1881 calculator. Even though it has an unusual seductive form for a calculator it does not have many functions, just the basic ones. Mapping of the controls on it is not very good, having buttons arranged in a column it makes the thumb stretch a long distance to press a button, making it difficult to use with one hand. Also in terms of feedback, buttons are not that sensitive to the touch making you press them harder to yield fruitful results. Also some controls are pretty unknown to me for example the wide button at the bottom. It has a euro symbol and some unknown symbol that looks like a house making it unclear to me of what situation to use them in.
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