Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Exercise 5 - Amanda Compagnone

Love my Tea/Coffee bodium, very intuitive and gets the job done. The disc shaped filter inside the mug shows you that it's holding something back so that you know to put the tea leafs or coffee grinds in first then fill it with water. When you screw lid on, the filter (which is attached to the lid) will pop up and stay on the surface of the tea/coffee. The physical constraint makes it obvious that you have to push the top of the filter down before you drink. If the top part of the filter is sticking up from the lid, it's impossible to open the spout,
therefore impossible to drink and get tea leafs/coffee grind in your mouth... yay!

Hate my really crappy can opener, although it's also pretty intuitive and based on physical constraints for the most part, it just doesn't work. The long black handles only move apart and together, they only grip the can when they're together which makes it pretty obvious what to do. This is where the design starts to fail, the double ended silver handle turns clock-wise AND counter clock-wise but only "works" when turned clock-wise. The only way of knowing that you've gone the wrong way is after you've circled the can and noticed that it left no mark. This can also happen however, if you HAVE turned the handle the right way because the gear isn't strong enough to glide the blade along the rim of the can. Either way the handle is really hard to turn and sometimes jams the gear rendering it's function pretty much useless... not yay!

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