Sunday, January 20, 2008

Exercise 2 -Group - Song, Amy, Mark, William, Jessy

Closure, Good Continuation, and Uniform Connectedness

What is Closure?

It is a tendency to perceive a set of individual elements as a single, recognizable pattern, rather than multiple, individual elements. ( from textbook)

example of closure would be ...

<---- " when we draw the contour lines and try to ignore the continuity of the lines, like as this example, it creates a certain shape in our mind."

What is a Good Continuation?

Elements arranged in a straight line or a smooth curve are perceived as a group, and are interpreted as being more related than elements not on the line or curve.

<--- example of a good continuation would be this example on the side.

" visual patterns with good continuation may suggest to the viewer that the pattern continues beyond the end of the pattern itself. "

What is an Uniform Connectedness?

Elements that are connected by uniform visual properties, such as color, are perceived to be more related than elements that are not connected.

<--- Example of an uniform connectedness

" if individuals are connected to one another, our brain perceives this visual properties as a big chunk or an single group of one . "

Sources: Textbook :" Universal Principles of Design"

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