Monday, February 18, 2008

My Six Games - Inbal Shreemohan

Here are my six games/toys ideas, hope they are not too complex.

- image 1 - - image 2 -

1. Board game; 2-4 players, board (see image 1), the "swing of luck" (image 2), cards and a dice.
Purpose: be the first to the finish line.
In the swing of luck there will be notes that the players write missions in advance and is
placed randomly. Above the box there is a pole with a small magnetic ball, it will grab one of
the notes when a player swing it. missions such as: Screem that you love a vegan zebra next
to strangers, drink Vodka and say a complex sentence etc.
The cards will include group task such as: the couple that fined more words from the letters
"nmhaceite"in a minute, the first to finish a phrase or song words.
2. 1-4 players, packs of shapes, large cards with images of structures
Purpose: be the first to create the shape from all the shapes.

3. Players - 3-8.

Series of cards with symboles from different themes (food, landscape, toys, cars, electronics etc)
each player recieve a stick with the theme he need to collect. Everyone sits in a circle and recieve 4 cards, the first player start taking a card and moving it quickly to the next person, if he need the card (his theme) h will replace it with one of his. On the same time there are colored sticks on the table. If a player has a series of 4 from his theme he takes on sticks quietly, other that see him will also take untill one person is left with no stick - he loses and needs to perform a "panishment".

4. "Who didn't cheat, Where and Why?"

Similar to the game "the clue" based on the notion of Soap Opera in which everybody have sex with everyone. There is a board game with different rooms, up too 8 players. There are cards for "the Cheaters" , "reasons" and "location", each player recieve few card of each catagories, but three cards (one of each) are kept aside, which represent the only person that did not cheat, where and why. Each time a player can ask someone if they have information about specific items.

5. This is a sort of phisicaly path that has obstacle such as tiny golf hole where thegolf club has a magnetic end and the ball is the opposite magnetic relation to it. Other things includes placing bids with chpsticks from a color you where givven before, answer a ridel and similar. There will be two path like this and you will compete one person, and the winner will compete another.

In general all of the ideas of games are menth to be challenging and with a sense of competition. Some require physical action and thus funny, surprising and the end is not known in advance, require some intelligence, and might be embarrassing - which is fun for all. The baord game (1 and 5 mostely) creates a nerrative as the game continue, who answerd more, who is the best in one part etc.

1 comment:

Jesse Colin Jackson said...

Hi Inbal:

I find some of your prose difficult to follow, though I appreciate your obvious enthusiasm, and the socio-pleasure implied by all of your propositions.

Why does the first game need the "swing of luck?"

Making a new set of instructions for an existing board game (like clue) would be an excellent way to play off users' existing knowledge (mimicry, mental model) to maximize flow. It seems to me that an "adult" set of cards and instructions for any existing game would be a really fun product.

In general, your concepts seem burdened by an excess of equipment. Strip them to their essence (Ockham's Razor)!